France Hong Kong Distinguished Lectures Series

“Black Holes and Active Galaxy Nuclei” by Professor Françoise Combes
May 8 2024, Professor Françoise Combes, professor at the Collège de France, President Elect of the French Academy of Sciences, gave a conference on the Black Holes and Active Galaxy Nuclei in the City University of Hong Kong as part of the ''France Hong-Kong Distinguished Lectures Series''. Scientists and academic researchers in related fields came and participate enthusiastically, the lecture and the discussion followed were conducted in a pleasant atmosphere. Madam Consul General of France in Hong Kong & Macau also delivered an opening speech to the conference.
Initiated by Professor Philippe Ciarlet at 2005, these high-profile conferences are organized by the City University of Hong Kong and by the Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study under the auspices of the Paris Academy of Sciences and under the aegis of the Collège de France, the Légion d'Honneur Club Hong Kong Chapter, and the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong & Macau. After being interrupted from 2019 due to the pandemic, the lectures were resumed by the end of 2023.